Group Guilt and Identity Politics

White privilege, white guilt, white culture shaming…

220px-kolyma_road00All of these are intrinsically the same kind of Marxist / Leninist / Stalinist / Maoist / National Socialist group identity guilt that led to pogroms and murder in Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia, and every other country that used them as a social justice weapon to raise one group up and set up some sort of equity or supremacy for another group. The Regressive Left has to realize eventually that the politics of social justice lend themselves naturally to hate.

What social justice will there be when one group kills another to remove their advantage so their own protected group may succeed?

Don’t say it can’t happen here. That’s what you used to say before Donald Trump was elected President.

Social Justice group identity guilt is a disease of the Regressive Left and needs to end.

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