Long Day Today

I spent the day out at my construction site.  A lot of new stuff has gone in out there, and the construction crew was asking for some support with networking printers, fixing laptop issues, and providing IT support for a third-party plotter.  I‘m still working on the plotter

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, but I think that for the most part the guys out there are happy with the outcome today. 

Tomorrow I will be back out there, and those guys maximize use of IT personnel when they get us out there, so I‘m not sure what my night will look like for blogging. 

I talked with a few soldiers from the Missouri National Guard/Reserve and they gave me a little more insight into what was going on last night.  While the newspapers were simply reporting explosions, the soliders told me that the fighting included Bradleys and at least on M1A1 Abrahms tank.

I may post more later, but right now, I‘ve got to take care of more issues.

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