From West to East and East to West Again

In November of 2017 I was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason at Scottsdale Lodge #43, F&AM, in Scottsdale (I know, obvious, right?), Arizona. For those who understand the following, these are the relevant items:

  • I: October 19, 2017
  • P: October 26, 2017
  • R: November 9, 2017

Since then, in 2019 I became a 32° Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Mason, Royal Arch Mason, Cryptic Council Mason, and York Rite Knight Templar, as well as a Noble of the Ancient Accepted Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Shriner for short).

This post is a starting point for me to try and provide education

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, as much for myself as anyone else, about Masonry. There are things which are secret, which I will not discuss or reveal, but they are underwhelming at best, and some might even say silly (as my wife often does when she tries to figure out the modes of recognition). I’m sure I’ll make mistakes along the way. I’m sure someone will think I’ve revealed something I shouldn’t. Let’s just see where it all takes us.

To be clear, I do not speak for Freemasonry. No one does. The words I may say on this blog on the topic of Freemasonry are my own, or borrowed and attributed, but do not necessarily represent the opinions or truths of Freemasonry to any other person other than myself.

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